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Disclaimers: Stock, Options and Futures trading have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose.
Nothing you read on this is either a solicitation or an offer to Buy/Sell any investment, futures or options instrument. All trades, patterns, charts, systems, etc., discussed are for illustrative purposes only and not to be construed as specific advisory recommendations. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Honolulu Options Traders, LLC is not responsible for any losses or profits you might achieve in your accounts, and cannot be held liable for any trading decisions, which are yours and yours alone.